Animal Feed and Agriculture
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Animal Feed & Agriculture

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is an important chemical material, as are potassium bicarbonate, calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate, all of which are weakly alkaline substances. It is used in agriculture to prevent crop diseases, promote healthy plant growth, and maintain the proper Ph value of the soil. In the livestock industry, it can be used in livestock and poultry to correct metabolic acidosis, strengthen stomach, alkalize urine, expectorant, maintain the acid-base balance of normal body fluids, improve the level of stress resistance of livestock and poultry, maintain the physiological health of livestock and poultry herd, and maintain high production performance. Therefore, it has been fully recognized and widely used in agriculture and livestock production.

Animal Feed

Sodium Bicarbonate is widely used as a feed additive for livestock and poultry. It is used in a wide range of applications such as dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming and aquaculture.

The mechanism of action of baking soda is essentially its physiological role as an ion balancer of electrolytes and acid-base balance. The electrolyte balance in animals is important for maintaining osmotic pressure, acid-base balance, and water-salt metabolism.

Baking soda can play a very good role in regulating the animal’s body, it can well regulate the pH of the muscle, so that the animal’s body can be in a relatively stable state, which largely improves resistance and immunity.

At the same time, baking soda has a good role in neutralizing stomach acid, can strengthen the gastrointestinal contraction, reduce the viscosity of digestive juices, and enhance the appetite of animals. Animals are also like people, only with a good feeding ability, can be effective digestion of feed, so that nutrients can be well absorbed. This will promote the healthy growth of the animal.

At the same time, baking soda is also the main buffering substance in blood and tissues, can improve the blood pH and alkali storage each, help dry endocrine system in suffering strong stress can work properly.


Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline compound that can be used in agriculture for effective ph regulation of plants and soil, promoting plant growth and development and helping to improve plant yield and quality.

1. Improve the soil
After contacting with water and fertilizer in the soil, sodium bicarbonate reacts to produce carbon dioxide and water, and carbon dioxide gas can loosen the soil (similar to edible baking soda for buns, the dough fermentation process starts pore), improve the agglomerate structure of the soil, which is conducive to the root permeability of planted vegetables, so much so that it strengthens the absorption of vegetable roots, and finally promotes the growth and development of vegetables.

2. Promote photosynthesis
Baking soda can produce a chemical reaction with the acid secreted by plant leaves to release carbon dioxide, thus enhancing photosynthesis.

3. Preventing diseases
Baking soda is weakly alkaline, and most pathogens live in an acidic environment, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria after using baking soda.