Water Treatment
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Water Treatment

Sodium Metabisulfite

Used as an anti-chlorine agent in water treatment, sodium metabisulfite removes chlorine from water and is widely used in municipal and industrial water treatment facilities, as well as for aldehyde and ketone purification.

Sodium metabisulfite is also a reducing agent, and is used in wastewater treatment as a treatment for wastewater containing chromium. The state requires that chromium-containing wastewater be treated separately and not discharged to a combined pond.

With decreasing fresh water sources, rising water pollution levels and climate change, governments and global environmental protection associations have implemented strict regulations to protect available water resources and reduce water pollution. This has led to an increase in demand for sodium metabisulfite for chemical treatment of water.

Sodium Sulfite

Among the applications of sodium sulfite, the water treatment industry is booming as it is used as a dechlorinator, oxygen reducer, scavenger, etc. The growing demand for technical grades in the water treatment industry is driving the global sodium sulphite market size and it is expected to grow in demand in the coming years.

The second major application of sodium sulfite is in water and wastewater treatment plants, here are a few simple examples:

It can be used to react with and neutralize the excess chlorine used in water and wastewater treatment processes.

As an intensive reducing agent for wastewater treatment by interacting with sulfur dioxide to produce sodium bisulfite and with strong acids to produce the corresponding salt.

Some materials are highly susceptible to oxidation and very sensitive to oxygen, when anhydrous sodium sulfite is available for protection to avoid oxidation of materials and to play the role of rust prevention effect, for example, it can be used as a deaerator in boiler water treatment,.

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate can be used for alkalinity control in wastewater treatment and helps in the cleanup and remediation of wastewater.

Drinking water: It can effectively regulate corrosion control in water supply systems, where water is usually corrosive due to acid rain or other reasons. Replenishing water with sodium bicarbonate to restore alkalinity can effectively reduce the erosion of pipes.

Wastewater treatment: Acids from the decomposition of waste and other causes prevalent in treatment plants tend to lower pH. This can alter the biological equilibrium and may lead to sludge swelling, etc. Sodium bicarbonate can gently alter the pH and alkalinity control of wastewater treatment.